First placed in the Girona’s local phase of the Copa Cangur
20 January, 2023
The group of 3rd and 4th ESO students formed by Quim Bota, David Cabero, Pol Martínez, Arnau Quer, David Velasco, Eduard Terentiev and Daniel Troyan finished winners in the Girona local phase of the VII Copa Cangur in the Junior Category, while the students from 1st and 2nd of ESO finished third in their category.
The Copa Cangur is a face-to-face math problem-solving competition organized by the Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques. The teams are made up of 7 students from 1st and 2nd ESO (Cadet category) or 7 students from 3rd and 4th ESO (Junior category). The competition presents a total of 12 problems and 60 minutes of time to solve as many as possible. It is a time trial where the score obtained for each problem varies during the competition. During the development of the test, the different teams were able to follow live the situation of the competition, that is to say, both the score and the ranking as well as the correct or incorrect answers accumulated by each of the other participants.
This was the first phase of the competition, held at the Institut Santiago Sobrequès i Vidal in Girona, which brought together an important group of students from different schools in the province. The group of students from Bell-lloc, along with the previous year’s champions, have qualified for the national final which will take place on Friday 14 April at the La Torreta Cultural Center in Montmeló. The first placed in the national phase will participate, online at their own school, against teams from other countries. Congratulations!