Aleix Torres Triumphs Again at the Math Olympiad
31 January, 2018
Aleix Torres Camps, a student in his second year of batxillerat, has qualified for the second consecutive year for the Spanish competition of the Math Olympiad after winning a second prize in the Catalan competition.
Qualifying for the Spanish competition for the second consecutive year is a huge achievement, since it is a very difficult exam. The Math Olympiads are a international competition that has been held every year since 1965; students compete by solving highly complicated mathematical problems.
The Catalan competition of the Math Olympiad will take place in mid December. It is a two-day exam, and students need to solve three or four problems each day. Three medals of bronze, silver and gold are awarded. Each medal is accompanied by a cash prize, and the three winners are chosen to participate in the National Math Olympiad, which will take place in Jaen from 15th to 18th of March 2018, where contestants will be selected for the International Math Olympiad.