Jornada de sensibilització a 4t d’ESO

Awareness day in 4th of ESO

26 February, 2020

A volunteer from the Mifas Association has given an awareness session, coordinated with the teachers of Physical Education of the school, to students of 4th ESO regarding the situation of people with functional diversity in the Girona area.

MIFAS is a foundation that has the spirit of working for the full social and labor integration of people with physical, organic and sensory disabilities in the province of Girona. The association was created and managed by people with disabilities, with the aim of achieving economic independence and social justice for the collective. They represent and are the voice of people with functional diversity, with the aim of improving their quality of life and defending their rights.

Currently, the MIFAS Foundation manages an Occupational Center, a Day and Resource Center, a Residence, a Home Residence and a Specialized Care Center (CAE).

The 4th ESO Awareness Day aims to be a turning point in the students’ vision for people with functional diversity. It is therefore intended that students learn and first-hand understand what limitations and obstacles a person with functional diversity may encounter in their day-to-day life. The activity was led by a volunteer of the foundation, in coordination with the Department of Physical Education of the College.