“The heart is the essence of people”
13 February, 2023
A new edition of “Educant de cara al futur” is celebrated.
The Les Alzines and Bell-lloc schools, together with the AMPAS of the two educational centers, organized a new edition of the cycle “Educant de cara al futur” with a luxury guest, the doctor, lecturer and writer Mario Alonso Puig, who spoke about “The education of the heart: a great challenge and an extraordinary opportunity”. The event took place in the Sala Cambra of the Palacio de Congresos de Girona Auditorium, which was full to the brim.
In his conference, the speaker supported the importance of the affective world, since it determines the person’s way of acting, so you have to know how to connect with it. “The heart is the essence of man” he said, “until recently, matters of the heart were considered soft skills, sweet, but you have to know how to connect with the affections.” He supported it by quoting Pascal who, in this sense, affirmed that “the heart has reasons that reason does not know.”
He admitted that being a father, mother or educator is not an easy task: it is a great marathon.
He focused his presentation on six major issues: the importance of the bond in human development, being aware that we can touch the future of other people, understanding the value of listening, empathy and compassion; knowing how to pay attention, the importance of educating in values and the transforming power of leadership.
He accompanied his presentation with personal anecdotes, scientific research and biographies of people who got ahead thanks to someone believing in them.
He made it clear that living in fear is highly dangerous; instead, doing it with enthusiasm, confidence and perseverance changes our brain. Dr. Mario Alonso Puig also emphasized the importance of meeting with others, of being close and kind people, who care about what others feel. And he insisted that our relationships should be focused on serving, not on dominating the other.
Finally, he made a call to celebrate diversity, to recognize that we have different ways of seeing reality, that the different person should not necessarily be distant and that we should look for what connects us with others, because we tend to see the worst, but you have to train to see the best: a whole marathon.