Extra-curricular activities 2019/20
21 June, 2019
As of the next 2019/20 course, there is a wide range of extra-curricular educational activities. Below you can find more information, application and deadlines for registration of these modules.
Starting next year, a daily module of extracurricular activities is offered at noon, with a wide range of training courses. The schedule of these activities will be:
- From 1:15 p.m. to 1:55 p.m. from 1st to 4th of Primary.
- From 2:20 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. from 5th of Primary to 4th of ESO.
The activities offered are:
1st and 2nd year of primary school:
- Playful English
- Creativity and emotions
- Chess
- Football – Prebenjamins (afternoon)
- Emotional intelligence
- Read and experience great adventures
- Piano
- Violin
3rd and 4th of primary school:
- English: intensive cambridge movers
- Learn how to draw
- Reading Club
- Chess
- Football – Benjamins (afternoon)
- Initiation to choral singing
- Introduction to German
- Introduction to French
- Piano
- Primary robotics
5th and 6th of primary school:
- (pending)
1st and 2nd year of ESO:
- English: intensive Cambridge PET
- Chess
- French DELF
- Football – Children (afternoon)
- Initiation to the guitar
- Typing
- Multimedia
- Oratory and debate
- Small coral of Bell-lloc
- Robotics
3rd and 4th ESO:
- English: intensive Cambridge first
- Football – Cadets (afternoon)
- Typing
- Oratory and debate
- Robotics
You must have at the time of registration the following:
- Once your request arrives, we will manage your child's registration and receive a confirmation email before July 24.
- Since rest is also an educational space, extracurricular activities can take up to 4 days a week.
- The registration period ends July 19th.
- The offer of this activity is conditioned to reach a minimum number of students. If this number is not reached and the activity is not finally available, we will notify you before July 24.
- We remind you that in order to participate in extracurricular activities, it is an indispensable condition to keep up with your child's school fees.