

Great Food Collection 2019

As you already know, one of the goals of the AMPA (Bell-lloc Parents' Association) is to organize solidarity activities. For the second year in a row, the AMPA will participate in the Great Collection organized by the Food Bank on November 22 and 23, coordinating the collection of food in two supermarkets: • Mercadona Supermarket, located […]

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15 November, 2019

Students helping the Sisters of the Poor

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″]   -What year was it started to carry out this task and how was it born? It’s hard to say since it’s an activity that was given to me or facilitated by the school. There were other teachers who already carried out a similar task before I performed it. If we had […]

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15 November, 2019

English at Bell-lloc Infantil

During these 7 hours, the boys and girls work with different teachers. Two of the professionals in the English Department are native; Miss Renée comes from the United States and Miss Emma comes from Northern Ireland. The work that they are doing is very important for our students because they reinforce oral communication through the […]

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14 November, 2019

How Schools are Failing Boys, and What We Can Do About It

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Experts point out that boys have more discipline problems in the classroom, and unlike girls, tend to show a more defiant attitude towards school practices. Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys, claims that our schools today are getting more and more hostile towards masculinity, and encourages Western countries to […]

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8 November, 2019

Every day more autonomous

Promoting self-autonomy has many benefits for our students: they go alone to their class, they go alone after saying goodbye to their parents, they bring the schoolbag by their selves, and they take off their jacket and put the schoolbag in their hook. These habits, apart from promoting the self-autonomy, they increase their capacity to […]

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7 November, 2019
General, Primary

41st edition of the Carrer Nou Race

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Si voleu participar-hi cal que ompliu el full d’inscripció que trobareu adjunt al final de la notícia i que l’entregueu al vostre professor encarregat de curs o qualsevol dels professors d’educació física de l’escola adjuntant el cost de la inscripció: 11€: Inscripció + samarreta Bell-lloc “lila”. (qui no la tingui) 5€: Inscripció La […]

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4 November, 2019

Paul Xicola Mutos Wins the Fiction Express Awards

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″]   Time Loop, the story written in English that has made him the winner, is a thriller. On 24th October Paul will collect his prize at the Moritz Factory in Barcelona, in the company of his family and Mr. Eduard Cuadrado, the Head of the Foreign Languages Department. “My story talks about […]

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25 October, 2019

The Atelier, a wonderfull place to learn diferent languages.

In the Atelier (workshop), they can express their emotions during the activities. The teachers are guides in their creations. We divide the class into two groups, one with the English Teacher and another group with the class teacher. We create 6 corners according to the schedule. Together, we can discover shapes, colors, lines with the […]

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25 October, 2019
Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Awarding Ceremony of Cambridge Certificates

The awarding ceremony was coordinated by Mr. Eduard Cuadrado Pere, head of the Foreing Languages Department. Mr. Tom Wogan, the Cambridge English Language Assessment Consultant for Spain, and Ms Adele Titford, Centre Cambrige Exams for Girona, adressed some words to our students in order to encourage them to carry on learning English. They insisted that, […]

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24 October, 2019