
General, Primary, Secondary

Extra-curricular activities 2019/20

Starting next year, a daily module of extracurricular activities is offered at noon, with a wide range of training courses. The schedule of these activities will be: From 1:15 p.m. to 1:55 p.m. from 1st to 4th of Primary. From 2:20 p.m. to 3:05 p.m. from 5th of Primary to 4th of ESO. The activities […]

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21 June, 2019

VII Bell-Domus Fair

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13 June, 2019

Winners of the National Mental Calculation Championship

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13 June, 2019

Book and uniforms bank of the Parents’ Association

The AMPA Parents' Association has assumed the management of the bank of books and uniforms from first of primary, in order to guarantee the service to the families that want to enjoy it. For this reason, it is expected that the delivery of uniforms in good condition can be done throughout the year at the […]

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13 June, 2019