

VII Bell-Domus Fair

The general program of the event is as follows: 7.30 pm Presentation (Aula Magna) 7.45 pm Opening (dining rooms) 8:00 pm Closing (mid-dining room) 21.15h Appetizer

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24 May, 2019
Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Success of the musical Shackleton

[html format=”full_html” style_padding_top=”10″ different_values=”0″] Author of the photographs: Oriol Cortina Reixach (4th year student of ESO C)The images show the preparation and assembly of the stage and lights, performance tests with actors, choreographies with students, some waiting times and relaxation, general essays, hairdressing and make-up and backstage section, prior to the afternoon functions of Friday. […]

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24 May, 2019