
Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Results of the 2019 Kangaroo Tests

On the other hand, apart from these two special mentions, we have the following results: Students who have stayed between the best 1% among all the candidates presented: 1st ESO: Joan Cantal Massaguer and Joaquim Font Costa. 2nd year of ESO: Guillem Manresa Martori. 3rd ESO: Aleix Dilmé Riera and Gerard Molina Collell. 4th ESO: […]

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6 May, 2019

Results of the Basic Competences of 4th ESO

The report indicates the levels of achievement based on the average scores of the students of Catalonia, that of the centers with the same complexity as Bell-lloc and that of the pupils of the school, as a whole and by groups. The different competences value the following: Linguistic competence in the Catalan language: Linguistic competence […]

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6 May, 2019

Summer Camp 2019

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Open the registration period for summer activities until June 7. Through Clickedu you can register. Once the payment has been made by bank transfer, send the receipt to As of June 7 you will receive an email confirming the registration of the activity. If you do not have access to Clickedu […]

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2 May, 2019

Holiday of Álvaro del Portillo

[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”More campaign information (in catalan)” link=”” new_tab=”1″ different_values=”0″] [/button] [button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”ES92 2100 0002 5802 0180 1860″ new_tab=”0″ style_margin_left=”10″ style_margin_top=”10″ different_values=”0″] [/button]

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2 May, 2019