
Assistència a una jornada de formació al Regne Unit

An Inspiring IBSC Conference

The Conference, entitled Mental Wealth: Well-Being to Nurture Personal Achievement, explored the challenges faced by boys in the modern world and provided strategies to develop and increase their physical and mental well-being. Bell-lloc is a member of the International Boys’ Schools Coalition, a not-for-profit organization of schools dedicated to the education and development of boys […]

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20 May, 2018
Felicitats, pare!

Thank you, Daddy!

All our Primary pupils sent their fathers a craft and a letter for Father’s Day, written during their Language hour. Thank you, Daddy, for you time, for everything you teach me, for your patience, for your guidance when I make mistakes, for being a tower of strength, and, above all, for you unconditional love. I […]

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23 March, 2018
Alumnes de 5è i 6è participen en el concurs PUM! CIBERBULLYING

A Storytelling Contest Against School Bullying

Our Primary 5 and 6 Excellence Plan pupils are designing cartoon strips to take part in the PUM! Cyberbullying contest organized by the Catalan Media Consumers Organization. In this edition pupils are not only asked to create a short story featuring  a cyberbullying situation, but their protagonists have to resolve it and suggest alternative ways […]

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23 March, 2018
Treballs de Síntesi Bell-lloc

Capstone Project Week at ESO 1 and ESO 2

The Capstone Project is a series of cooperative teaching and learning activities that integrate the basic and complex skills found across the different subjects in order to develop problem solving skills related to everyday life. The core topics around which the projects revolve are: 1st of ESO: Olympic Games: sport and values. 2nd of ESO: […]

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23 March, 2018
Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Bell-lloc and Les Alzines launch a new edition of the Parenting for the Future course

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Dr. Luis Gutiérrez Rojas will tell us about the need to rekindle our marriage and raise our children with a sense of humour. María Zalbidea will give us ideas and tips to gain insight into the digital era generations so that we can understand our hyperconnected children better. You can sign up […]

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3 March, 2018
Primary, Secondary

Five weeks in Ireland

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] The immersion programme is organized by our school in collaboration with Helan Education & Languages, and offers the possibility of staying five weeks with an Irish host family and attending an Irish Primary or Secondary school. The aim of the programme is not only to boost our students’ level of English by […]

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1 March, 2018
Presentació del Projecte interdisciplinar “Rome”

Rome: an interdisciplinary project

On Monday 19th February ESO 1st year students taught Primary 5 students a lesson about the highlights of Ancient Rome (Political Organisation, Architecture, Public Works, Culture and Religion). English was the language used throughout the project. Primary 5 pupils helped teachers to assess several aspects of the presentations (command of the subject taught, English accuracy, […]

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20 February, 2018