

Manel Nadal, In Memoriam

The history of Bell-lloc can hardly be understood without the late Mr Manel Nadal. Bell-lloc has grown thanks to the effort, trustworthiness and generosity of many families and professionals. Deep in its roots lies the story of several parents, in which we find Manel, who since the late 50’s dreamed about the creation of Christian […]

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30 October, 2017

Parlem-ne on assertiveness in 4th of ESO

4th of ESO students attend Parlem-ne sessions given by Mr Frank Bayer. Over the course of the talks several cases for discussion are presented to the students and they are asked to defend their own ideas on a debate and stand up for their principles with conviction: this way they can strengthen their self-confidence.

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30 October, 2017

Project-based and cooperative team-work

In Primary 1, students carry out their tasks on a team-work basis at Natural and Social science modules. Key contents from other subjects (e.g. Catalan, Maths, Arts and Crafts) are also covered within a common framework. Project-based and cooperative methodology carried through the assigned tasks help students to acquire multiple skills, i.e., think by themselves, […]

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30 October, 2017
Convivència Torreciutat 1rESO

1st of ESO team-building days out in Torreciudad

1st of ESO students and teachers spend some days out in El Poblado (a Spanish town of Huesca), near Torreciudad Sanctuary. This camp is intended to work on group dynamics among students, as well as enhance their personal and spiritual growth. Besides, students will also practise some sports, explore the natural environment and engage in a guided […]

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17 October, 2017

“Premi Talent UdG” goes to Oriol Puignau

Premis Talent are intended to recognise and award new students of Escola Politècnica Superior, at the University of Girona, with an outstanding academic background both in Secondary and in the university’s admission exam. “We want our brains to remain at UdG”, are the words that Joaquim Salvi, head of the college, addressed to the audience who […]

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17 October, 2017
Cursa Carrer Nou 2015

39th edition of Carrer Nou race in Girona

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] On Sunday 22 October, join Bell-Lloc and run with us in the 39th edition of Carrer Nou race! First race: runners  born from 2010 onwards (up to 7 years old), i.e., 1st and 2nd of Primary: departure at 9AM and a 500-meter itinerary. Second race: runners born between 2007 and 2009 (8-10 […]

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17 October, 2017

Children’s choir set off for team-building trip

Thursday morning. Students come to school as usual, but some stand out from the rest: they are not wearing their uniform and loaded down with suitcases and sleeping-bags. They are the members of the school’s Children’s choir, who set off for an unforgettable team-building trip. They spend two days and a half in Rocacorba, an […]

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17 October, 2017

We use Lego “more to math” in Primary

Our school sets out multiple tools for our students to awaken creativity, initiative and teamwork, one of which is known as Lego More to Math by LEGO education. This material poses small challenges where planning skills and reading comprehension play a key role in order to solve and work out logical problems. LEGO materials strengthen […]

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10 October, 2017
Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Parent-teacher conference in the beginning of the school year

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Dates, courses and times are as follows: Tuesday 3rd October: 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th of Primary. Wednesday 4th October: 5th and 6th of Primary and 1st and 2nd of ESO. Thursday 5th October: 3rd and 4th of ESO and 1st and 2nd of Batxillerat. Confirm here. [/html] [button color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”Cicle […]

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10 October, 2017