

The Name of Christmas by Frank Bayer

The children and staff of Bell-lloc Infantil wish you a Merry Christmas. In a known and perfect setting for our students, we want to convey the best wishes for everybody. The children, with their innocence, serenity and goodness of heart, send us this story written by Frank Bayer, teacher and father of Bell-lloc Infantil. It […]

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22 December, 2020

Everyday… mathematics!

The child’s mathematical awareness, space and movement require mental activity. Mathematical knowledge is not something “finished”,  the child has to elaborate it from real and concrete situations and later, he/ she will become aware of the need to describe them. During the scientific walk, in the atelier, in the corners, we make sure that we […]

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2 December, 2020
Primary, Secondary

First Term Cultural Outings

On November 11, Bell-lloc students had the opportunity to visit different places in Catalonia in order to contextualize and expand some of the areas of the curriculum covered in class. Since the learning objectives are age-specific, each year went on a differerent outing. PRIMARY  1st grade Primary school students visited the company Sastres Paperers de […]

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13 November, 2020

P3 students go to the farm!

The excursion to “Mas Bes farm” helps the children to discover the rural and natural environment thanks to the contact with nature and animals. During October, we have talked about the great gift of Creation at BELL-arT.  We have carried out several scientific walks and, in the Atelier, we have been working with The Autumn […]

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5 November, 2020
Foto Passeig

The walk, a promoter of creative environments, freedom and learning.

The educational walk is a creative activity that promotes freedom and provides a channel for learning through the different areas of knowledge: verbal language, mathematics, self-discovery and connection with the natural environment. For one hour a week, the P3, P4 and P5 students of Bell-lloc Infantil go for a walk around the gardens and natural […]

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23 October, 2020

Bell-lloc Facial Masks on Sale

Bell-lloc is now selling its corporate facial mask to students and families. They are available at the Reception desk and are priced at 5 euros. The characteristics of the mask are as follows: UNE-0065: 2020 Certificate Fabric: 92% polyester + 8% EA waterproof and ANTIBACTERIAL. Bacterial Filtration Efficiency 91.81% Breathability: 40.6% of Washing Standards: Machine […]

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20 October, 2020

Online Parent-Teacher Conferences

Despite the exceptional health crisis that we are going through, Bell-lloc strives to maintain a close family-school relationship. Such relationship  is one of the pillars of our educational project, based on personalized education. For this reason, the parent-teacher conferences in the first term have been broadcast on the meet platform. Each tutor offered a seminar […]

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19 October, 2020

Bell-lloc, a School of Families

-What does the word “family” say to you? -we asked Marc, a five-year-old boy. -Uhmmmm, I would like to say that family is company and love -he replied lovingly. -Everything is fine in my family. It’s like a group of incredible people, and we will never grow apart, even if some of us go to […]

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13 October, 2020
educacio del caracter

One of our most important educational challenges: Character education.

Every child requires an educational challenge. The diversity of needs and knowing how to respond is what drives us as teachers. There are universal needs: the emotions. For example, the attachment to the people around us and our relatives helps us to feel safe. We have started a new school year, and some children feel […]

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18 September, 2020