
Pla d'Igualtat
Baccalaureate, Secondary

Equality Plan

The school has an Equality Plan for Secondary and Baccalaureate, which has been prepared in collaboration with the European Association for Differentiated Education (EASSE). The plan consists of three annual activities for each course that address aspects related to coexistence, mutual knowledge, equality, respect for diversity and the recognition of the contributions of men and […]

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5 March, 2020

A Media Library in the Hall

Listening, watching, reading stories and browsing magazines are some of the skills that we will be working on in the next few weeks in our media library. Until now, we have been able to enjoy in the hall the symbolic game related to the airport where we have recreated the interior of an airplane, the […]

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5 March, 2020
Olimpíada de Química

XXXIII Chemistry Olympiad of Catalonia

The Illustrious Official College of Chemists of Catalonia and the Association of Chemists of Catalonia, call this year the XXXIII edition of the Chemical Olympiad of Catalonia. The test is carried out in collaboration with the Catalan Universities and which are: Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​University of Barcelona, ​​University of Girona, University of Lleida, Polytechnic […]

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4 March, 2020
Valentí als laboratoris de la UdG

Research work on IB Chemistry at the UdG

Valentí Hernansáez Benedito is currently a student of the school’s international scientific baccalaureate. Through his chemistry research, Valentí analyzed the caffeine content in different cola drinks. He has previously performed the extraction of this molecule in various beverages in the laboratories of the school using organic solvents. Later, the Faculty of Sciences of the University […]

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4 March, 2020
Projecte Respira

Breathe Project in 3rd ESO

The Breathe Project is born out of the need to receive an updated and adequate education in human health issues. It rides in the areas of Physical Education and Natural Sciences as it brings together knowledge and techniques from both fields. For two sessions ESO 3rd graders had the opportunity to train in order to […]

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2 March, 2020
Cambridge English Seminar

Cambridge English Seminar at Bell-lloc

The Cambridge English Seminar Bell-lloc was held on February 29th with more than sixty English teachers from all over the province of Girona attending. The day consisted in updating the methodological foundations in English language teaching, explained through 4 sessions, on the main skills taught in this discipline: speaking, writing, listening and vocabulary. The 4 […]

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1 March, 2020

Joan Mateu at Bell-lloc Infantil

At the beginning of the course, the “Somos Gerundenses” project began to boost KM0 learning, bringing artists and professionals from Girona to the Bell-lloc Infantil school as a channel of communication with art and visual and plastic expression. Girona artists and professionals who work in different artistic and creative techniques have been invited: sculpture, architecture, […]

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28 February, 2020

The Bell-lloc Alumni calçotada!

The alumni section of the school has organized, as every year, a heritage visit and calçotada next Sunday, March 15th. The visit will be to the Basilica of Castelló d’Empúries and the calçotada to Cortal Gran de Armentera. The day will start with a visit at 11:00 am in front of the Basilica of Castelló […]

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28 February, 2020
Les relíquies dels Sants Pastorets de Fàtima a Bell-lloc

The relics of the Holy Shepherds of Fatima in Bell-lloc

During the month of February, the relics of San Francisco and Santa Jacinta Marto, two of the three pastorets to whom the Virgin Mary appeared in Fatima in 1917, have been visiting numerous Catalan towns. On Friday, February 28 in the morning they were in Bell-lloc. Many students, family, faculty, and administration and service staff […]

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28 February, 2020
Jornada de sensibilització a 4t d’ESO

Awareness day in 4th of ESO

A volunteer from the Mifas Association has given an awareness session, coordinated with the teachers of Physical Education of the school, to students of 4th ESO regarding the situation of people with functional diversity in the Girona area. MIFAS is a foundation that has the spirit of working for the full social and labor integration […]

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26 February, 2020