Parents go to school

10 October, 2019

The Family Enrichment Program offers a course for parents. With this course, you will solve difficulties with self-confidence with your children at home. We will continue to make mistakes, but we are ready to continue educating our children. Tandem I is your course! It begins on October 11 at 8:30 p.m. We will inform you of the location of the first session but remember to register as soon as possible.

The birth of a child makes us reconsider our roles, schedules and other issues that are often related to work and family.
We need educational tools and a good education for our children.

You have a link if you need more information:

If you are interested in attending, you can send an email to:
infantil@bell-lloc .org

If you need more information, you can talk with the MEC of your class or your teacher.
We can help you.
The first session will be free, but remember to register.
We can facilitate baby sitters at a good price.
We can facilitate a special subscription/grant.