
Sygnall founders tell ESO2 students about their international experience

5 October, 2018

The second of batxillerat students who set up the Sygnall company in 4th of ESO told the ESO2 students who take part in the Excellence Programme about their international entrepreneurial experiences


D’aquesta manera propera i amena, els nous alumnes que cursen l’assignatura d’emprenedoria poden veure un exemple real i exitós, i com una idea es pot materialitzar en quelcom útil.

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[button type=”default” color_type=”0″ color=”btn-danger” text=”Vídeo informatiu de Sygnall” link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cl5f7v9cIqE&feature=youtu.be” new_tab=”1″ different_values=”0″]