XX Xavier Fàbrega Solidarity Awards
31 January, 2020
“Do the screens connect you to people?“: Under this title a new edition of the Xavier Fàbrega Solidarity Awards is framed, a literary and artistic contest that annually becomes a benchmark in the Girona regions. Check the contest rules.
This year, and as usual, a new edition of the Xavier Fàbrega Solidarity Awards will take place for primary, secondary and high school students of the schools in Catalonia and for the general public.
This award that has become a reference, offers the possibility of presenting proposals in different formats ranging from narrative or writing, through drawing, and photography.
This edition, which is the 20th, proposes a topic of general interest but that is far from the issues raised in previous editions. This turn, nothing improvised, puts the focus on a hot topic that affects us in the world around us, in interpersonal relationships and in our lives: “Do screens connect you to people?”
It is well known how screens are integrated into our daily lives and how they have modified many aspects of our existence. The use or abuse of these determines or can determine our future as people. Undoubtedly, this proposal of the XX Solidarity Awards will make us reflect on this drift and on the possible solutions showing a fairly realistic reflection of our society.
Today we live surrounded by screens of all kinds, which at all times demand our attention. The screens are seductive: they open windows to the world, and are able to solve us in a heartbeat a lot of doubts and efforts. They also offer us great opportunities for distraction, which if we neglect, can become hours of exposure to the endless possibilities of digital environments. The screens captivate young and old; with a simple click they transport us to realities hitherto unknown, to very distant territories. Are we also removed from the people next to us? Do they make our lives easier, or more stressful? Are we having trouble having conversations with friends or looking straight in the eye? Are we being cut by the pleasant adventures that we could go through in the real world? Is life worth living in cyberspace? Do they make us more open or more closed in our preferences? Do they make us freer, or more slaves of immediacy?
- Any technique can be used.
- On the face of the drawing there should be no reference, neither from the author, nor from the school, etc.
- It is optional to use the template/model of the downloadable A-3 support or the template/model of the A-4 support
Literary writing and narration:
- The works must be unpublished and written in Catalan.
- The delivery criteria must be met.
- Edition criteria: Arial letter, no. 12. Line spacing 1.5.
- In Primary courses, the works can be submitted handwritten.
- The sheets can only be printed on one side.
- It is optional to use the template/model of the downloadable A-4 support
- The photograph can be in color or black and white.
- Photomontages will not be accepted.
- Each author may submit a maximum number of 3 photographs, which may not exceed 6Mb each.
- The photograph will be sent by email to alumni@bell-lloc.org.
- The format must be in jpg, without margins, and with its corresponding title.
- In the same email, a pdf file must be attached to maintain anonymity. This file will need to contain the author’s ID, address, telephone number and photo title.
Other contest rules:
- The submitted works will be property of the Association.
- The titles of newsrooms, narrations and photographs may not be the same as the theme of the prize.
- Failure to comply with the rules of the award may imply the disqualification of the work.
- Narration and drawing: each author can only present one work of each modality.