XXXIII Chemistry Olympiad of Catalonia
4 March, 2020
The Illustrious Official College of Chemists of Catalonia and the Association of Chemists of Catalonia, call this year the XXXIII edition of the Chemical Olympiad of Catalonia. The test is carried out in collaboration with the Catalan Universities and which are: Autonomous University of Barcelona, University of Barcelona, University of Girona, University of Lleida, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Pompeu Fabra University and Rovira i Virgili University.
The written test was carried out on March 4, 2020 at 16:00 at the same time and simultaneously in all the Catalan offices. Students David Rina García, Marc Sala Morales, Valentí Hernansáez Benedito and Pol Aulina Poyo presented the Polytechnic School of the University of Girona where the corresponding tests were performed in the Girona region. This year the number of students enrolled at the University of Girona is 45 secondary school students. Students who qualify will enter the National Chemistry Olympiad, which will take place in Valencia on April 24-26. Those who qualify in the National Phase will be able to access the International Chemistry Olympiad, which will be held in Istanbul (Turkey) on July 6-15.
The objectives of the Chemical Olympiad of Catalonia are to stimulate the interest of secondary school students in chemistry and to establish links between secondary and university education in this science. In addition, it is encouraged to apply a methodology that is more experimental and closer to social reality.
Dr. Félix Carrasco, Professor of Chemical Engineering, is responsible for the Chemical Olympiad at the UdG and explains that the tests contain ten questions, including theoretical questions, calculation exercises, laboratory-related questions and the formulation / nomenclature of chemical compounds.