The visual / plastic arts and music are very important in our educational project. Learning flows from children’s innate ability to be aware of beauty and their fascination with their surroundings.
At Bell-ar we work on the pictorial works of all the periods of humanity to admire the beauty, grow our values and approach the transcendent sense of life.
The hands-on and experiential work that we carry out cross-sectionally at the Workshop allows us to playfully shape the mathematical concept; The workshop, our classroom inspired by the Waldorf methodology and the schools of Reggio Emilia, offers us a space with elements of nature that the students themselves collect during the scientific walk that they go on every week through the school forests.
Music has also become a learning thread: we programme auditions with different objectives according to the activities, and in this way children consolidate their language acquisition.
Moved by art and culture, we have created the cycle “Som Gironins”, which brings artists from different fields closer to the school, achieving true enrichment for children and adults, and promoting civility, citizenship, responsibility and the common good.