We place reading as the backbone of the academic and personal growth of the student. Reading is the gateway to knowledge and the key to academic success. For this reason, we strive to make our students effective readers, and convey the passion they need to become true reading lovers in the future.
We dedicate a lot of resources to achieving our reading objective: one hour of commented reading in all primary school years, and participation in reading aloud contests.
- Daily reading: All primary school years have a daily reading time slot. During reading, students silently enjoy a book in the classroom library or, if they wish, a book they have brought from home.
- Commented reading: Reading is worked on one hour per week, emphasising the textual typologies, the characteristics of each typology and the strategies that we should carry out when reading.
Foreign languages in primary school
We consider language learning to be of utmost importance. Fluid communication, both oral and written, must be achieved in order to understand and be understood. For this reason, languages are worked on carefully. Apart from our own languages, Catalan and Spanish, foreign languages, and especially English, have a very significant presence in the everyday life of the school. In addition to five weekly hours of English, are the CLIL (Music and Arts and Crafts) subjects, as well as the ability to take Cambridge external exams (Cambridge YLE).