

Visit to the Holy Land with Bell-lloc Alumni

Bell-lloc Alumni organizes a pilgrimage to the Holy Land aimed at the former students of the school, their families and friends. The pilgrimage itinerary will cover the most relevant stages of the Sacred History and the life of Jesus. Places are limited. The stay includes a visit to emblematic places such as: Mount Carmel, the […]

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XX Xavier Fàbrega Solidarity Awards

This year, and as usual, a new edition of the Xavier Fàbrega Solidarity Awards will take place for primary, secondary and high school students of the schools in Catalonia and for the general public. This award that has become a reference, offers the possibility of presenting proposals in different formats ranging from narrative or writing, […]

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General, Primary

Blood Donation Campaign

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] This activity is conceived as part of the Interdisciplinary Body and Health Project, which invites families, teachers, administration staff and, in short, anyone who wants to collaborate with this cause. Currently, the students themselves are conducting a pre-awareness campaign for all students of the school. Blood donation is very important, as around […]

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Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Certify your level of English with the Oxford Test of English

The exam covers four skills: oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression and reading comprehension. Participants will have a time limit to complete each of these tasks. Reading and listening comprehension modules are adaptable. The test adapts to the subject’s responses, so each test is a unique and motivating experience. This makes the test shorter and […]

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General, Secondary

The Pastorets of Bell-lloc

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] This year the activity of the Pastorets with the students of 1st ESO, which is already part of our school during the days close to Christmas, has undergone some small changes to last year. One of them is the person in charge of the management. Jordi Cebrià, a teacher who has been […]

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Bringing the Nativity Scene to the mountain

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] The output is organized as follows: We will leave Bell-lloc in private cars, in the direction to Sant Gregori> Llorà> Sant Martí route, and just before reaching Sant Esteve de Llémena, we will turn left towards La Barroca. From this last place, we will take an asphalted track of about 3.5 kilometers where we […]

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Musical 2020

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″ style_margin_top=”10″] – Enric, is there anything new this year regarding the Musical? What can you tell us about it? First and unlike last year when we announced that our history would be based on the expedition of Sir Shackleton to Antarctica, we decided not to reveal anything of the argument. Right now, […]

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A Former Student at the Cutting Edge of Scientific Research

Marc, a Doctor in Pharmacy, is currently working at the Rockefeller University in New York on the study of metabolism. During his stay at the school he took part in the 2005 edition of the Young Researchers Competition, with an research paper called “An approach to the Ricardson Number”.

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Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Christmas campaign: “Forfait Mama”

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Currently, Dr. Antonio Villalonga Morales, from Girona, works at the Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this country of the African continent that has 80 million inhabitants, life expectancy is 56 years and only 28% of the population has access to health. The Ebale Project, and […]

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