
etwinning quality label
Baccalaureate, Primary, Secondary

Bell-lloc, awarded with the European Quality Label

In this final stretch of the course, we want to inform the entire Educational Community that the European project Nomen Omen has received the eTwinning European Quality Label. The project was developed last year by Bell-lloc students who are now doing 4th ESO and students from the “Ettore Majorana” Institute in Brindisi (Italy).   The […]

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Diada de les matemàtiques
Featured, Primary


Last Thursday, June 1, the IX maths day was celebrated at the school. As in the rest of the previous editions, the students of the entire primary school dedicated the day to work on activities related to the world of mathematics, but from a playful and fun point of view. Geometry, reasoning, numbering, spatial orientation, […]

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Primary, Secondary

First Term Cultural Outings

On November 11, Bell-lloc students had the opportunity to visit different places in Catalonia in order to contextualize and expand some of the areas of the curriculum covered in class. Since the learning objectives are age-specific, each year went on a differerent outing. PRIMARY  1st grade Primary school students visited the company Sastres Paperers de […]

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General, Primary

Blood Donation Campaign

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] This activity is conceived as part of the Interdisciplinary Body and Health Project, which invites families, teachers, administration staff and, in short, anyone who wants to collaborate with this cause. Currently, the students themselves are conducting a pre-awareness campaign for all students of the school. Blood donation is very important, as around […]

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Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Certify your level of English with the Oxford Test of English

The exam covers four skills: oral expression, listening comprehension, written expression and reading comprehension. Participants will have a time limit to complete each of these tasks. Reading and listening comprehension modules are adaptable. The test adapts to the subject’s responses, so each test is a unique and motivating experience. This makes the test shorter and […]

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Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Christmas campaign: “Forfait Mama”

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Currently, Dr. Antonio Villalonga Morales, from Girona, works at the Monkole Hospital in Kinshasa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this country of the African continent that has 80 million inhabitants, life expectancy is 56 years and only 28% of the population has access to health. The Ebale Project, and […]

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Singing in a choir is a healing experience

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Single-sex education promotes a higher participation of boys in non-traditional subjects and extra-curricular activities. At mixed school, many boys shy away from joining things like choir or drama for fear of being branded unmasculine. At an all-boys school, they can worry less about fitting a gender stereotype, because all participants are boys. […]

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