
General, Primary

I Handbol Day

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Next, a friendly match will be played with the GEiEG cadet team. A talk-talk about the values of handball has also been scheduled: “Respect and Commitment”, by Carlos Luque, former school student and referee of the Asobal League. During the afternoon there will be a bar service in a foodtrack that will […]

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General, Primary

41st edition of the Carrer Nou Race

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] Si voleu participar-hi cal que ompliu el full d’inscripció que trobareu adjunt al final de la notícia i que l’entregueu al vostre professor encarregat de curs o qualsevol dels professors d’educació física de l’escola adjuntant el cost de la inscripció: 11€: Inscripció + samarreta Bell-lloc “lila”. (qui no la tingui) 5€: Inscripció La […]

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Baccalaureate, General, Primary, Secondary

Awarding Ceremony of Cambridge Certificates

The awarding ceremony was coordinated by Mr. Eduard Cuadrado Pere, head of the Foreing Languages Department. Mr. Tom Wogan, the Cambridge English Language Assessment Consultant for Spain, and Ms Adele Titford, Centre Cambrige Exams for Girona, adressed some words to our students in order to encourage them to carry on learning English. They insisted that, […]

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Rutina de pensament: Mirar/Escoltar/Llegir

A Thinking Routine: See/Listen/Read

[html format=”full_html” different_values=”0″] La rutina “Mirar, escuchar y leer” pretende conseguir que el alumno haga un análisis cuidadoso, reteniendo toda la información posible de un contenido audiovisual, un escrito, una imagen o una explicación del maestro para poder hacer posteriormente una buena descripción. El éxito de la rutina pasa por seguir unos pasos muy concretos. […]

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