
etwinning quality label
Baccalaureate, Primary, Secondary

Bell-lloc, awarded with the European Quality Label

In this final stretch of the course, we want to inform the entire Educational Community that the European project Nomen Omen has received the eTwinning European Quality Label. The project was developed last year by Bell-lloc students who are now doing 4th ESO and students from the “Ettore Majorana” Institute in Brindisi (Italy).   The […]

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Featured, Secondary

Nice place among the 100 finalists of the Challenge 2023

Last March 1, and within the elective subject of fourth year ESO Technology (BigData), the students prepared a challenge to solve one of the problems related to the SDGs 2030 Agenda through data analysis or BigData . The challenge was to address one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of their choice, while […]

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Featured, Secondary

Finalists in the Catalan Competition Miniempreses 2023

The mini-company “Dementious” formed by Arnau Quer Carreras, David Cabero Prieto, David Velasco, Joan Gutiérrez and Marc Roura has qualified for the final phase of the Competició Catalana de Miniempreses 2023 which will take place in Barcelona on April 19th and 20th. Dementious is an application that aims to help people who suffer from the […]

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First placed in the Girona’s local phase of the Copa Cangur

The group of 3rd and 4th ESO students formed by Quim Bota, David Cabero, Pol Martínez, Arnau Quer, David Velasco, Eduard Terentiev and Daniel Troyan finished winners in the Girona local phase of the VII Copa Cangur in the Junior Category, while the students from 1st and 2nd of ESO finished third in their category.   The Copa […]

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Confirmation catechesis for 3rd year ESO students begins

This Wednesday, January 18, the training of the 3rd ESO students who will be confirming this year began. The introductory session was conducted by Mn. Joan Miquel Guixà and Mr. Frank Bayer, chaplain and stage manager of 3rd and 4th ESO respectively. The session laid the foundations for what will be the subsequent structured organization […]

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Primary, Secondary

First Term Cultural Outings

On November 11, Bell-lloc students had the opportunity to visit different places in Catalonia in order to contextualize and expand some of the areas of the curriculum covered in class. Since the learning objectives are age-specific, each year went on a differerent outing. PRIMARY  1st grade Primary school students visited the company Sastres Paperers de […]

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Pla d'Igualtat
Baccalaureate, Secondary

Equality Plan

The school has an Equality Plan for Secondary and Baccalaureate, which has been prepared in collaboration with the European Association for Differentiated Education (EASSE). The plan consists of three annual activities for each course that address aspects related to coexistence, mutual knowledge, equality, respect for diversity and the recognition of the contributions of men and […]

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Projecte Respira

Breathe Project in 3rd ESO

The Breathe Project is born out of the need to receive an updated and adequate education in human health issues. It rides in the areas of Physical Education and Natural Sciences as it brings together knowledge and techniques from both fields. For two sessions ESO 3rd graders had the opportunity to train in order to […]

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