Paul Xicola Mutos Wins the Fiction Express Awards
25 octubre, 2019
Our third of ESO student Paul Xicola Mutos has won the Youth Literaty Fiction Express Contest, which includes romantic stories, dystopian tales, history narratives and thrillers, addressed to students between 2n and 4th of ESO.
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Time Loop, the story written in English that has made him the winner, is a thriller. On 24th October Paul will collect his prize at the Moritz Factory in Barcelona, in the company of his family and Mr. Eduard Cuadrado, the Head of the Foreign Languages Department.
“My story talks about a person who is constantly living the same day (…) and meets someone who helps him escape from his loop,” says Paul.
Fiction Express is an innovative book platform that connects students with authors, encouraging reading for pleasure through fun co-creation of stories. It has been designed to improve poor reading habits by exciting children about reading and turning them into eager readers through the power of engagement. It publishes books in weekly chapters and what happens next is entirely up to the readers; using their votes, they are able to decide where the plot goes next… and the author will bring the most popular choice to life. All chapters are complemented with teacher resources, activities, online reading comprehension questions and students can interact with the authors through the book forum as they write the story.